What is it?
The soul is a complex concept that varies in cultural, philosophical and religious interpretations. In general terms, it can be seen as the essence or life principle of an individual, often associated with consciousness and spirituality. Different traditions have varying views on the soul, and opinions on its nature are widely debated.
However, this does not mean that it is only an abstract concept.
Lately even a part of science is considering its existence based not only on "theory" but by providing tools and repeatable demonstrations on the fact that it really exists.
However, where we usually find this concept is not in the scientific field (what a surprise!) but in the religious field. Let's see how the various religions consider the soul:
In the Christian tradition, the soul is often considered immortal and individual. It is seen as a divine gift, created by God and destined for eternal life after death. The precise nature of the soul and its destiny often depend on the specific doctrines of each Christian denomination.
In Islam, the soul is considered immortal and individual. The soul is created by God and is judged after death based on the actions performed during life. The Quran provides several descriptions and details about the nature of the soul and life after death.
In Hinduism, the soul is called "atman" and is considered eternal, part of a cosmic principle called "Brahman". Reincarnation is a key concept: the soul passes through many different lives, influenced by actions (karma) performed in previous lives.
Buddhism teaches the idea of "anatta" or "anatman", the absence of a permanent self. Buddhist teachings state that the illusion of self is the cause of suffering, and the path to liberation (nirvana) involves understanding this absence of an eternal self.
Conceptions of the soul in Judaism may vary, but the soul is often believed to be the immortal, individual part of the person. Judaism has different opinions and interpretations regarding the precise nature of the soul and life after death.
In Sikhism, the soul is seen as an integral part of God and trapped in the cycle of rebirth. Sikhism promotes liberation of the soul through meditation on God and following the Guru's teachings.
All religions however agree that there is more than the body and that there is some kind of life after death.
Some might say that they are simple beliefs or fairy tales dictated by an unconscious need but if we think about the fact that people from all over the world, from all eras and from different cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds have always believed in something that goes beyond life, they certainly cannot be defined as simple “beliefs”. If, from the most technologically advanced peoples to the most prehistoric and isolated ones, a certain "belief" is present, then there must be something true.
Existence of the Soul
Part of science has always been interested in seeking concrete evidence of the existence of the soul, very often finding such evidence even in a completely unexpected way or by carrying out experiments on something completely different.
Below we report some evidence that, if you wish, you can explore further in your research.
Weight of the soul
In 1901, the American doctor Duncan MacDougall had the idea of measuring the weight of the soul, thus demonstrating its existence, by weighing dying people of different ages, sexes, builds, social backgrounds, illnesses, a moment before and afterthe passing using very precise scales with a margin of error of just 5g. He found that in almost all cases there was an almost immediate weight change of 21g before and after the death. In one case of a robust and lazy man, this variation occurred a few minutes after his death and was always around 21g. Obviously the study says that many factors were considered such as the loss of body fluids, sweat, urine, oxygen and nitrogen. He also experimented on dogs and found that there was no change in weight. In addition to the usual mostly verbal denials (accusations) from colleagues, no other similar experiment has ever been done.
Until 1917 when H. Twining, a physics teacher from Los Angeles, attempted the same experiment on mice, arriving at the same conclusions as MacDougall, that is, no change in weight for the animals.
Dr. MacDougall died in 1920.
NDE Experiences
Many people claim to have experienced near-death experiences and today many are telling their experiences that have never been told before out of fear.
In addition to telling common details about the afterlife, missing loved ones, the tunnel of light, etc. many of these people can even tell medical details which they saw practiced on their lifeless bodies, finding themselves floating above them and before their soul was transported elsewhere.
Some even, to refute their experience, reported messages to give to perfect strangers then verifying the contents and thus ascertaining that one's experience in the afterlife was truthful and not a simple figment of their imagination.
These people are simple people but also doctors, surgeons, biologists and scientists of all kinds initially non-believers who were unable to rationally explain what they experienced but always received a way to prove their experience once they return to life, inevitably leading them to become believers!
There have also been unofficial and often unethical studies done inducing such near-death experiences with surprising but obviously not scientifically publishable results.
Quantum entanglement
Quantum entanglement or correlation is a phenomenon of quantum mechanics in which two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of the other, whatever their distance is.
This phenomenon has been observed and demonstrated by various researchers even among humans and where emotionally connected people remain mentally interconnected even if they live in different continents.
The professor Giuseppe Genovesi, for example, experimented with the interconnection between a subject and a portion of his DNA. In practice, by producing emotional stimuli in the subject, the DNA histones, even if observed at enormous distances, will modify its structure.
So if the subject is relaxed the histones will not be contracted and the portion of DNA will be longer while with anxiogenic stimuli, the portion will contract instantly.
This obviously means that it will be possible to intervene on the pathologies that afflict a person even from a distance or even from a photo given that the photons (particles of light) that interacted with the person portrayed remain in the photo still connected to that person.
Obviously we are hypothesizing a possible but also probable future given that these connections have been solidly established proven from recent discoveries which demonstrate how photons contain or can contain information.
We have been saying it for decades that light is able to instruct matter and finally today you have the proof.
Let's go back to the soul...
Prof.'s research Stuart Hameroff, American neurobiologist and anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona with the participation of the mathematical physicist Roger Penrose, demonstrated that these quantum synchronic behaviors they also occur in the microtubules present in our brain.
These microtubules are filaments with a diameter of about 25nm (nanometers) present inside nerve cells (neurons) and are responsible for quantum correlation (entanglement) and are formed by tubulins, cellular proteins that correlate quantum with each other, forming a network of billions of particles in continuous communication with each other as in a quantum computer.
When these particles collapse you have what is called a state of consciousness and which occurs approximately every fortieth of a second in a man strong> while, in those who meditate, it happens approximately every hundredth of a second.
Each of these millions of moments of consciousness brings with it new information that our brain decodes as a new intuition.
So the brain is a computer that processes what it receives, not what it creates itself!
The two scientists then discovered that, at the moment of death, these quantum systems emerge from the microtubules to spread throughout the universe and when one, in the event of near-death, "resurrects", this information returns inside the microtubules of the brain.
How do we want to define this information and where does it come from?
The two researchers did not go into the merits of the matter but such a process seems exactly what happens with the soul which at the moment of death leaves and detaches itself from the physical body returning to the universe changing dimensional plane.
In fact, Hameroff added that upon death the microtubules lose their quantum state but the information present in them is not destroyed and cannot be destroyed. It simply detaches and “dissipates” into the universe.
Another significant contribution to scientifically demonstrating that the soul (simplistic term) exists is given by the studies carried out by prof. Corrado Malanga and Pim van Lommel who, without going into the merits of their personal considerations on the data collected in their studies which we consider in some cases to be rambling and in others to be truly not very courageous, for decades they have carried out their studies which we believe are in favor of a further demonstration that man is not just flesh and matter but rather much more.
What the Soul is?
If, after all these scientific evidence and millions of documented and verified cases of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) worldwide, you still haven't figured out whether the soul and spirit exist or not, I believe there might be some serious issues.
A human is the result of three dimensional values, different from each other, although operating together:
Individual intelligence that arises from the Creative Spirit of the cosmos and is immortal and unchangeable. It coordinates, instructs, determines, and produces the operational process of the soul, with which it is always in contact and inseparable during the experimental cycle in space-time dimensions (cycles of reincarnation).
It arises from the Light created by the Creative Spirit of the cosmos and is immortal but mutable. It coordinates and instructs the material body and determines its vitality and the services necessary for intelligence (spirit) to carry out the activity essential to the continuous evolution of the cosmos.
Material Body
It arises from the astral light (Soul) to which it is closely linked and on which its vitality and dynamism depends and is mortal and mutable. It changes when the astral light definitively detaches itself due to the end of the experimentation of the Spirit.
These are huge concepts to explain, involving various themes, but trying to be as clear as possible, we can say that we are the Spirit (the conscious and intelligent SELF), we are energy emanated directly from the Macrocosmic Being.
And who is this Macrocosmic Being?
He is the one we should identify as God, that Primary Intelligence that created everything and of which we are simple enzymes that inhabit one of his macro-cells (our planet). We will delve deeper into these concepts in other articles.
The soul or Astral Body is instead the evolutionary result of the psychic dynamics of the three lower realms: mineral, vegetable, and animal.
It is an energetic structure created by the energy (Light) emanated into matter by the Macrocosmic Being. In practice, it is the (Astral) Body through which the Spirit (the SELF) can access the material dimension and then interface with the physical body. It also serves as a "reservoir" that stores our experiences and emotions lived in this life, which will be replayed when we leave the body. Therefore, the soul, besides representing the circuit through which the spirit can interact with the material dimension, represents the energy that allows our body to function. Without the soul, the physical body shuts down... without energy, it stops functioning.
Soul and Spirit are always connected to each other throughout the entire experience in matter. When reincarnating, the spirit leaves the old astral body, which becomes a parallel existence that is often visited but does not condition the new experimental-evolutionary process.
The evolution of the Spirit will continue until it becomes a God itself and can create its own universe to further evolve towards perfection.
However, absolute perfection does not exist because evolution is infinite... Even our Creative Spirit is not perfect, although it is infinitely more perfect than us. We are the last wheel of the cart, but our utility is crucial because our spirit is connected with God, who evolves in turn thanks to our evolution.
But what is the purpose of all this infinite evolution?
In the end there is no purpose!! …for the simple reason that if Macroscopic Being is pure love, love doesn't need a purpose!
If you do something out of love you don't do it to expect something or to get something in return... you do it... period!
Obviously the universe rewards you indirectly, thanks to the universal law of cause and effect which is the law of love, making you evolve.
That's why we must learn to love (everyone and everything) to be able to evolve ourselves.
Dante concludes his Divine Comedy with these words: "L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle!" (Love that moves the sun and the other stars!). This is God, and there is nothing truer!
As we have seen, religions give us a part of the truth, just as sciences provide another part. As we have also observed in other topics, these two halves need to be united to achieve the absolute truth. One part is blind without the other.
The spirit is ours true ME and life is nothing more than a means that gives us the possibility of evolving deleting, with the vision of the work of good, every residual evil of the dark past. Our Spirit, combined with the unconditional love of God, therefore gives us a great opportunity because it knows well what we need to be able to rebalance our karmic balance. But it's something that we can't do it alone but together with other souls and spirits that we have chosen, even before tackling this path.
Evolution is not at all a purely individual and selfish path!
We must learn to give and receive this support if we want to evolve.
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