Crop Circles

cerchi nel grano - smentiamo la scienza
Let's Start from the Basics

What Are?

The famous "crop circles" are formations that usually appear at night in corn fields and are created by bending and flattening the ears of wheat to the ground to form a pattern.

Such drawings, usually of large dimensions, are visible only from above, and the created designs can be of various kinds, typically containing messages of a mathematical, mechanical, physical, or spiritual nature.

They are commonly called crop circles because initially, the shapes that appeared were simply circles in fields of wheat. Today they are called agroglyphs because we are no longer talking about simple circles but about very complex figures.

Their appearances could be traced back to 1678, but we wouldn't want to go that far because back then, they were not discussing the phenomena that occur today but rather isolated episodes of a completely different nature.

So, we would date the first real "crop circle" around 1960, as they were also accompanied by various UFO sightings. However, during those times, they were only single and separate circles. Hence the name "crop circles," and they were attributed by science to meteorological/atmospheric phenomena or considered by some ufologists as signs of a landing.

Today, however, they are no longer simple circles but rather very complex compositions both structurally and symbolically. Their complexity has increased with the rise of hoaxes, and even today, there are enormous figures that are practically impossible to create with ropes and planks.

cerchio nel grano troppo complicato per essere fatto dall'uomo.
The Science

What Does it Say?

Over the years, science has made hypotheses, some of which are truly bizarre, including wind vortices and plasma vortices.

Immediately contradicted by new formations that are no longer circular but more complex.

Today, through its "spokespersons," science communicates that it considers these "phenomena" as human-made creations. Such statements stem from the fact that some individuals claimed to be able to create these formations overnight with only the help of ropes and wooden planks.

Simple Pranks

Man Made!

It's true! In some cases, the circles were clearly fake and made by individuals with a desire for attention or possibly paid by some organization (not for us to prove it) to try to downplay the phenomenon. Pseudo-scientist clubs have even emerged, organizing courses on how to create such circles, all in an attempt to cover up the truth!

The first ones to demonstrate the process were two old men, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley (see photo on the side), using ropes and wooden planks. Others have emulated them over time.

Until reaching modern times, where actual societies and organizations create crop circles for a fee, purely for advertising purposes for large companies (see photo below) or to prove that they can be made by humans.

Often, those made for advertising purposes are created using machinery such as tractors, plows, or other equipment. However, if they are truly made using only ropes and wooden planks in a single night, it can only be done with the complicity of the field owners (otherwise, they would call the police) and certainly with more than two people involved (usually from 5 to 10), who would make a lot of noise also because they need to arrive and leave using cars.

Between True and False

In human-made crop circles, one can observe: lack of symmetry, fallen wheat, broken plants, uneven bending, lack of details.

In addition to these, you can observe real marks left by the edges of the wooden boards on the stems of the plants during their passage.

They are easily identifiable marks because almost all of them are aligned along a horizontal line that represents the edge of the wooden plank that crushed the plants to the ground.

The crushing can cause the stem to break, or, in the case of plants with more flexible stems, only a marking that weakens the stem, making it easily bendable right at the point of the mark left.

The simple process of bending with wooden boards weakens the plant by damaging or breaking the stems.

However, be aware that such marks do not appear immediately but may also appear about 12 hours after the crushing.

It is easy to bend mature wheat, but not at all on lush fields. In fact, in fake circles, the plants if not broken, straighten up and the circle disappears quickly, whereas in real ones, you can observe an unnatural bending or elongation of the nodes (see images below).

The truth

Extraterrestrial Messages

The evidence supporting this truth is numerous.

Without relying solely on observation, which could already reveal the difference between a real and a fake circle, to refute their origin, it is sufficient to state that real circles appear overnight, and their complexity in size, structure, and especially in meaning, is far superior.

Today, unfortunately, it's no longer the case, as even fake crop circles can achieve a good degree of complexity, although not comparable to genuine ones which, as we'll see, have a series of unique characteristics that are impossible to reproduce artificially.

But let's turn to the scientific evidence.
Hundreds of crop circles have been analyzed by various universities, research institutions, and laboratories from various perspectives, and these are their conclusions:

In man-made crop circles, it's impossible to replicate such an event! The nodes of the stems within the circle appear elongated by about 172%, but most importantly, they are perfectly bent even at 90° angles, without being broken. Moreover, this phenomenon does not occur in nature and is absolutely irreproducible by humans. In fact, if one were to pass wooden planks over them, the plants would often end up broken!

Inside genuine crop circles, a different seed germination rate has been observed compared to the outer part of the same circle. Sometimes, the germination rate is faster, while other times it's slower, but without affecting the quality of the final product and therefore without causing harm to the farmer. This phenomenon is impossible to occur simply because someone bent the plants with a plank!

In more mature fields, the nodes of the plants literally explode from the inside outwards. This explosion can only be due to the loss of elasticity of the stem, which becomes incapable of withstanding the intense energy to which the plant is subjected.

In some formations, most of the seeds are practically missing, or they are found only on one side of the stem. Of course, the seeds could have been eaten by birds, although it's unlikely since the missing seeds are too many, and it's well known that birds do not have a preference for one side of the plant.

Inside the circles, parts of burned vegetation and unusual formations of grass, rolled and dehydrated, have been found, as if subjected to strong electromagnetic energy at high temperatures of about 6000-8000°C.

Only within some circles, and not in other parts of the same field, have hundreds of dead flying insects been found, and in some cases, even snails. The insects were not crushed, indicating that they did not die from external causes but rather from internal ones within the insects themselves.

In some circles in the Netherlands, strange substances have been found that typically do not occur naturally and thus have been artificially created. With a whitish and spongy appearance, they were found to be Butyl Acrylate and Styrene (a copolymer) as well as deposits of Hydrated Magnesium Carbonate.

It has been noted that inside various circles, electromagnetic fields are distorted. In fact, the compass indicator no longer points north but is slightly shifted by a few degrees.

Even time seems to pass differently with two different results on two chronometers. One was inside the circle, while the other was on the edge of the field.

The owners of the fields where circles appear harvest the fruit of their labor at the end of the season. The following year, when they sow a different type of cereal, the circle from the previous year reappears like a ghost, and the spikes grown inside the old circle grow longer and stronger than those in the rest of the field.

This anomaly has nothing to do with the previous germination anomaly but is caused by an alteration of the crystalline structure of the soil surface. The intense energy used, which is the cause of the reappearance of the circle, also modifies the soil and its fertility.

According to a geological study, this type of soil alteration should not occur on any agricultural soil worldwide, and the kind of energy used for this is unknown!

Moreover, any snow that falls inside the circle melts faster than in the rest of the field.

Even just looking from inside a "crop circle" one can notice the perfection of how the stalks are bent and oriented. Not to mention the formations inside the circle where the spikes are interwoven or arranged in whirls.

In short, it takes a lot of courage to say that they are made by humans... in just one night, in the dark, with boards and ropes!!!

Beware of what various pseudo-scientists or researchers from organizations like CICAP, ECSO, GWUP, ARP, or other pseudo-scientific entities tell you. They have never seen a real crop circle and don't even know what one looks like because they have never studied one, yet they pontificate in the name of science without showing any evidence whatsoever!



The moral of the story is just one… anyone can claim to be able to make a crop circle, perhaps in a single night without anyone discovering him or them. But no one can claim to do it without leaving marks or traces of their passage. Most importantly, none of those who still do it today for money, passion, art, or any other reason, have the scientific and artistic knowledge to translate the meaning of a number like pi (3.14159265358…) into a decipherable image. No one has the knowledge to translate Euler's famous formula into an image.

So, it's easy to talk when you don't know things, and the spokespeople who talk about these things don't know them. It would be truly serious if they actually ignored them because lying to people knowingly is one of the gravest sins one can commit in the entire universe… especially if this, consciously or not, hinders the evolution of a spirit.

Science has a lot in common with religion... they are a masonry! If any new discovery or revelation contradicts their "beliefs," instead of doing what they were born to do: discover new things, investigate thoroughly, study, and provide answers without prejudice on facts, findings, and new theories, having also the courage to refute and admit mistakes, they immediately rush to the rescue with all their power!

Their attitude is to deny and slander anyone and anything, sometimes out of envy or simple conservatism, without even studying it, but rather relying on hearsay or hastily made assumptions.

Science should not have an opinion on something it has not directly studied or does not know!

And even if something were to be proven, their attitude would be ridiculously denialist!

If only science did its job, that is, seriously and independently study these phenomena without prejudice, fears, blackmail, or censorship, and with the integrity that should characterize men of science, perhaps this world and humanity would have hope.

But stating such truths for science and the mighty in general would mean refuting the nonsense they have told us, which is now engraved, as if in stone, in the textbooks they churn out and sell every year.

The evidence and studies mentioned here are only briefly summarized for readability and are obviously just a fraction of all the evidence that could be presented to scientifically assert that the phenomenon cannot be attributed to humans in any way!

Nowadays, circles are created for advertising purposes even though their quality is certainly not equal to that of genuine circles, whose hidden messages (which we will discuss in other articles) speak to us of mathematics, physics, biology, mechanics, space exploration, and often of things we still do not know. Genuine circles are not made for advertising purposes or for jest, but solely out of an enormous desire to communicate, allowing everyone to ask questions and process them at their own pace.

There is no, to date, technology capable of releasing such energy and creating circles so complex, so quickly, and with all or even just some of the characteristics mentioned here.

Therefore, saying "there is no scientific evidence" is a LIE, and we have clearly demonstrated it!

The evidence is there for those who seek it, but the inertia of science today regarding these facts is truly shameful. They have an irrational fear of saying nonsense and risking their careers, so they prefer to cover up, ignore, or pontificate from their golden thrones.

So, science is once again LYING to us!

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