A popular legend about the famous Horse's Mouth which is located at Rome, It is said that anyone who puts his hand inside that big mouth and makes a false statement, he will lose his hand.
Obviously it is only a legend also because that large marble disk was actually a manhole from ancient Rome.
But if it was truly a device capable of verifying the truth of our statements, we would put our hand without any fear.
Many scientists, politicians and religious people from all over the world and their "lackeys" would NEVER put their hand in such a device simply because they lie knowing that they are lying by keeping the entire population in the dark and therefore under the control of them and their masters with denial, lies, fear and when all this is not enough, with force.
But the time is now ripe to allow everyone to break the chains and overcome fears because the truth sets you free!
We are researchers and disseminators of truths revealed to people who have experienced, studied and disclosed them first hand and whose testimonies Today he is free to speak but who yesterday was marginalized, burned at the stake, tortured and still today mocked by that science that should go back to studying instead of sketching out answers that have no solid basis.
Some might think we are presumptuous when we say we are disclosing truths but we firmly believe the time has come to replace the precarious and inclusive individualism of "I think that...", with the affirmation par excellence of "I am certain that...". The truth is one and only one and the words of Jesus would be enough to understand it:
Whoever walks in his light is at the same time Truth like all those who, from other worlds and other dimensions have come to bring us, in his name and by will of the Father, the same teachings of 2000 years ago but free from the ignorance of those times .
Therefore, one must assert these truths with determination to mark a clear path, free from lies, a distinct line of demarcation between hypotheses and certainties.
Of course, we do not intend to impose anything on anyone, but we do not accept anyone imposing anything on us. Our foundations are firmly anchored in the Science of the Spirit, as it has been taught to us by those who have received and lived it in order to share with everyone the universal truths it carries within.
We believe that, in light of all the research and discoveries made in all branches of science, it is now more than ever essential to have the courage to establish firm points from which humanity can finally grow and evolve as a universal humanity.
We are not a religion, a party, a religious institution or a sect.
Our religion is the truth, wherever it is.
We do not have members, membership cards, we don't ask nothing to anyone.
We do not have a headquarters, but we welcome anyone who wants to listen and perhaps learn something that will help alleviate their own pain, increase awareness, and find answers to the eternal questions of humanity.
This is what you will find from us welcoming everyone regardless of their faith, customs, skin color, social status, or level of education. All are welcome to quench their thirst with knowledge that has been hidden for centuries by the powerful, religions, and science.
We don't expect you to believe what we say, we expect you to at least think calmly, without prejudice using logic and listening to your spirit which must always be the greatest guide to find the truth. Then you will be free to exercise yours free will staying on one side or the other but it will no longer be possible to stay anywhere because it would mean not caring about ourselves, about who and what is around us as well as about our own and other people's future.
There will be no more middle ground!
The humanity of this dimension has its free will, but there should be only one choice, and it's the one that ensures the salvation of the immortal Spirit, allowing us to evolve and transition to a higher dimension. The games are over, and time is running out!
We hear from people who they boast of their own blasphemies, of their own being deliberately against a God they don't know, even thinking that the path of evil and attachment to material things is the most comfortable, rightest choice to continue enjoying the illusions of the matter. But they are people who are very often disappointed by those who should have given them answers and shown them the right path, no longer being able to understand that evil, Lucifer, does the work that God has assigned to him to separate the wheat from the weeds. They have lost their way home due to the lies and behaviors of the various religions which today divide instead of uniting and lie by not giving answers, simply because they don't have any!
Today is that day!
Today everyone can know the truth as there are now the means and knowledge to understand it.
Unfortunately, many are not interested or, even worse, continue to deny the evidence, wanting to demonstrate an ignorant caution about facts that are now scientifically incontrovertible.
So repent because this day is terribly near.
Do not expect to have many years ahead of you because the end of time has now arrived!