Incurable diseases

For Science

What are They?

We know a lot about how our body works, we know a lot about the cells that compose it, and in many cases, we have found ways to "treat" any problems that may arise from various factors.

Among the many conditions that can affect our body, the majority are incurable, and for which we can only alleviate symptoms by waiting for our body to react on its own and eliminate the cause. This is because we don't know the causes that produce various diseases, and when these causes are known, we don't know how to contain or counteract them.
This applies to any illness or even simple problem we may have, so science in general tends to treat not so much the causes but the mere effects.

For example, when we have the flu, doctors recommend paracetamol, which however doesn't act on the causes but only on the effects. In fact, it has a targeted action against the production of molecules responsible for fever, reducing flu pains and possible inflammation in some cases. Throughout this, we haven't minimally addressed the causes which could be of various types.

Practically almost all drugs on the market alleviate symptoms, they never cure the causes which could be multiple. Some drugs that treat the causes, such as antibiotics, often cause other problems and therefore can, in turn, be harmful to our body.

The Causes

Of Our ills

Our body already has defense mechanisms (immune system) against those diseases that, for example, result from viruses, microscopic infectious agents composed of nucleic acids wrapped in a protein shell. These "organisms" are not considered alive or dead in the traditional sense and have the ability to replicate only inside host cells.

Other diseases, such as degenerative ones, instead come directly from our body, which, for causes often ignored by science, lead cells to behave differently. Science says that such diseases often have a multifactorial origin, meaning that many of them result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. These diseases, for example, do not stem from viruses but are dysfunctions, often induced, of our body's cells. Imbalances that, if not properly addressed, can lead to serious problems, greatly limiting our life expectancy and compromising its quality.

We will avoid discussing specific therapies and delving too much into sciences such as pharmacology, medicine, biology, genetics, neuroscience, immunology, and biochemistry as it is not the purpose of this website, but we will try to provide insights, perhaps new ones, for alternative therapies to mere medications.
An invitation for medicine in general to consider alternative and scientific ways to solve the problems of our material body.


This Unknown

In scientific language, the term matter refers to everything that possesses mass and therefore weight and occupies space or volume. Energy, in this definition, is therefore excluded.
As everyone knows, matter is composed of atoms, which in turn are made up of a nucleus of protons (with a positive charge) and neutrons (without charge) and electrons (with a negative charge) that orbit the nucleus, maintaining a constant distance.
This, of course, is more or less what everyone knows and is taught in school.

In 1918, the father of modern quantum physics who was the Nobel Prize winner for physics, stated

Max Planck

Matter does not exist, everything is vibration!

It's a shame that the various sciences, in addition to not considering (as we've seen in other articles) the science of the spirit, are also unable to communicate with each other. It's merely a matter of profit... of money made at the expense of people's lives!
Physics, in fact, does not communicate with pharmacology, and the discoveries of one should absolutely not influence the falsehoods of the other.

But let's return to our atoms because the space between the nucleus and the electrons is empty space. Imagine that, if we enlarged the nucleus of an atom to the size of an apple, the electrons orbiting it would be at a distance of 1 km, and if we enlarged the nucleus to the size of the sun, the electrons would orbit it at a distance of about twice the size of our solar system. Now you understand how much empty space there is in every atom, about 99.9%, and therefore, to make matter solid, these atoms must vibrate at a certain frequency, which will be different for each material and for each chemical element that makes up the matter in question.

The fact that everything is vibration can easily be observed from light. In fact, each color vibrates at a known frequency. The electromagnetic waves that characterize visible light have frequencies ranging from 38*1013 Hz to 79*1013 Hz, corresponding to wavelengths ranging from 380nm to 790nm (nanometers).
Setting aside the complicated numbers, suffice it to say that each color of light is a different frequency, and therefore light can carry one or more frequencies.

Unlike viruses and bacteria, the human body does not vibrate all at the same frequency. Every organ, every cell in our body vibrates at different frequencies, and this has been demonstrated by many scientific studies. One particularly recent study, by Prof. Carlo Ventura, director of the laboratory of molecular biology and bioengineering of stem cells at the cardiology institute of the University of Bologna, in close collaboration with the University of California, states that: "Cells, like the entire universe, vibrate, and by playing the right frequencies to stem cells, they can be instructed to become specific cells of our organs. Vibration can thus trigger healing."

This mechanism can be applied not only to stem cells but also to the cells that already make up our organs and to the structures that form viruses and bacteria. In simple terms, this means that by applying the right frequencies to our body, one can trigger a healing process from within and without the use of drugs.

Another recent example is the study conducted by the US weapons research laboratory (DEVCOM), which highlighted the use of radio frequencies for the destruction of viruses in the case of biological weapons. In the case of, for example, the Coronavirus (Covid-19), frequencies around 8GHz were recommended.

But even in ancient times, the famous Greek philosopher, mathematician, and scientist Pythagoras said that music is the true medicine, and indeed, in ancient religious and esoteric traditions, chants and sounds were used to induce physical and spiritual healings.
It's no secret that our body is made up of 70% water or, as discovered by Gerald Pollack, professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, even 99% if you consider the number of molecules present in the human body. This water, if adequately "stimulated" with certain frequencies, can assume different structures, as demonstrated by the famous Chladni figures.

In this regard, already in the 1960s, Professor Herbert Fröhlich, in his treatises, defined that the fundamental oscillation of cellular membranes occurs at frequencies of the order of 100 GHz, and that, since cellular membranes are composed of dielectric materials, a cell behaves like a dielectric resonator, so the application of certain frequencies can improve or interfere with cellular resonance and create changes in the structure of water inside a cell.

A similar conclusion was also reached by Masaru Emoto, often labeled a pseudo-scientist simply because his discoveries have not yet been fully understood. In his studies on "the consciousness of water," he demonstrated how water can transform with simple positive thoughts. In one experiment, for instance, he demonstrated the possibility of distance healing. Specifically, he placed a vial of questionable water on his office desk and sent an email with the attached photo of the vial to 500 friends and acquaintances across Japan, asking them to send their "Chi," their vital energy, to the water in the photo at a precise time on a predetermined day. From photographic images of the water crystal, before and after the experiment, we can better understand the reason for such a claim.

Therefore, the water, of which our body is composed, can react to vibrations emitted not only by our own thoughts but also by those of others, just like the water in Dr. Emoto's experiment.

His experiments, such as the one with rice, have been replicated by ordinary people and posted on social media with similar results. But for science or its pseudo-promoters, Dr. Emoto has never produced evidence.
We want to kindly refer to them as clowns!

Is it possible that no one has ever thought of trying to apply all these discoveries in the medical field?

Indeed, official medicine considers the use of frequencies as nonsense from charlatans and deceivers. For them, it's enough to take a percentage for every prescription or medical test they conduct on you.

As for light, however, it has been demonstrated by a 2013 study conducted at the University of Wisconsin that a certain wavelength can heal. An experiment on mice with multiple sclerosis showed that a wavelength called near-infrared (NIR), besides having antibiotic and antibacterial functions, has a weakening effect on molecules that exacerbate the disease and an invigorating effect on those that counteract it. NIR light acts on mitochondria and on a particular enzyme, cytochrome C oxidase, to stimulate cellular repair.

Can light do all this?

We obviously say YES!
Light can do this and much more, such as creating matter. But perhaps we'll leave these possibilities for a future article where we'll talk about the first experiments of collision between two photons and their potential implications in our near future.

It's a real shame that, despite all these scientific findings, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the U.S. government agency responsible for regulating food and pharmaceutical products, has never wanted to comment on the large-scale experimentation of these methodologies. And, of course, like the FDA, no country in the world allows such research and experimentation to be endorsed, contrary to what countless scientific studies demonstrate regarding their effectiveness.


From the Stars

We have therefore understood that every material has its own vibration and that light can be the bearer of these vibrations.

In this regard, as far back as the 1960s, our cosmic brothers (extraterrestrials) had provided indications regarding frequencies, materials, light, and its instructive properties through the contactee Eugenio Siragusa, inviting us to conduct a simple experiment.

From the book the Golden Eagle

Imagine a large room followed by another one, the first with walls shiny with mercury, the other with walls shiny with iron; these, finally, hit by light so that by reflection, such light concentrates on a body afflicted with an incurable anemia. You ask for the result?

Unfortunately, we believe that no one has read it, or, as usually happens, science has considered these important indications as ravings. Only today, more than 60 years later, are we slowly investigating, realizing what light truly is and what it can do for us, our bodies, our health, our future.

Frequencies can also be used in the form of sounds and music, yielding obviously different results from which our bodies can benefit. Many musician-researchers study this effect to enable their music to bring benefits not only to the psyche but also to the body.

A study conducted in 1988 by biochemist Glenn Rein demonstrated how certain audio frequencies influence DNA regeneration. He observed that the absorption of UV light by some DNA samples differed with exposure to sound waves at 528Hz reproduced by a variety of different music genres. Here are the surprising results:

  • Rock: -1.8% ↓
  • Classical: +1.1% ↑
  • Sanskrit mantras: da +5.8% a +8.26% ↑
  • Gregorian chants: da +5% a +9.1% ↑

It's no coincidence that in all religions, including esoteric culture, there's talk of sounds, of particular frequencies through which to create and shape matter.

Christianity and Judaism

"In the beginning was the Word..."

The verb, the logos understood as the word of God that creates.


"When he decides something, just say: 'Be'..."

The concept of "Kun Fayakun", of "Be and shall be" which indicates the divine power to create through command.

Hinduism and Buddhism

Aum od Om (ॐ)

Cosmic vibration that holds the atoms of the world and the heavens together.


Naad e Shabad

Divine sound, cosmic vibration, primordial melody from which the universe emerged.

Our brothers, in their numerous communications, have stated, for example, that they too are made of flesh and bone, but their matter doesn't have the same density and frequency as ours. This means that the more spiritualized a person is, the more in tune they are with God. This is because the more we evolve spiritually, the closer our frequency becomes to that of God.

This once again demonstrates that the various contactees were not rambling but were reporting spiritual and scientific teachings that could have truly propelled humanity into an incredible leap forward if only they had been taken into serious consideration by science, which still today is largely enslaved and subservient to power and lobbies.

This is where everything is vibration, everything is frequency. Every atom, every molecule, every organ of our body vibrates at a different frequency, and knowing these frequencies could help everyone feel better at truly minimal costs. Unfortunately, this is still a utopia because anyone who even tries to put these teachings into practice is sabotaged, ridiculed, criminally persecuted, ruined, or even corrupted, and finally, if they don't yield to pressure, simply killed because the interests at stake are too high.

However, it must also be said that it's not always possible to cure the cause, and the reason lies in our destiny. In other articles, we've explained what karma, soul, and spirit are, and how the purpose of our existence is to learn and evolve. Even pain and suffering teach, and in those cases, we simply have to accept it. We know this may seem like hedging in the face of failure of such "alternative" therapies, but the truth is that we all are born, live, and die when our mission on this existential plane is concluded. And this is a law from which no being in the 3rd dimension (ours) can escape.

It's true that in the world, there are many charlatans who promise miraculous cures in exchange for hefty fees, but they are easily exposed for their intentions.

Jesus himself loved to say:

Matteo 7,16-20

By their fruits you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruits you will recognize them.


We believe that the ultimate goal should always be to help others feel better, and that's what science should base its entire research efforts on. Unfortunately, we see that this is not the case today.

Everything is geared towards profit, and those few who truly seek alternative paths are constantly sabotaged. We know... it always sounds like the same things are being said, but if you look at the laws in force in various states against independent research, the power that pharmaceutical companies have and exert over governments, the subjugation of the entire medical landscape to market logic, and the increasing reliance on drugs for any symptom by the entire world population, then these wouldn't be mere reiterations; they would resonate as a warning and an invitation to act and choose differently and more consciously.

It's true... life expectancy has increased thanks to science, new discoveries in medical and biological fields, and drugs, but we are increasingly dependent on them. After all, treating the effects brings much more profit than treating the causes. In the world we live in, a path that leads to dependence is certainly preferable to one that leads to the definitive solution of a problem. This is the basis of the current approach to selling any goods in the form of a "service," and health, in general, has indeed become a service today!

We truly hope for a radical change in the medical/scientific field, linked to the increasingly growing awareness of everyone, both professionals and non-professionals, towards the science of the spirit and all its various applications and ramifications.

One of these is quantum medicine or quantum healing, which is based precisely on the frequency information that our body emits and receives. It is already a reality, albeit unknown, in many countries. We truly hope that one day it can completely replace pharmaceutical treatments for an ever-increasing number of diseases currently considered "incurable."

We believe we have extensively demonstrated in scientific terms how the use of frequencies in the form of light, sound, and electromagnetic waves in general can revolutionize our concept of "healing." We hope that these methodologies will soon become the subject of widespread study by all countries aiming for a radical change in healthcare, leading to an evolution in a sector where research is currently one-way and constrained by mere profit logic and thus the worship of the god of money.

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