The life we live is an illusion that serves us to learn what is good and what is evil, but the true life begins when we leave our body.
Below you will find some basic notions to better understand the topics discussed in this website and to have some nuggets of truth that you won't easily find elsewhere. These truths have been given since the dawn of time to various contactees by those who were once considered Gods and whom we now know to be our extraterrestrial brothers.
A question that many ask is whether these alien civilizations are good or bad... there would be much to say, but for now, suffice it to know that they are in the service of what we call God, that One Macrocosmic Being who is pure Love and is the Architect of everything.
So, we must consider them our brothers who have always come to our aid over the millennia and who are still more than ever present among us, even with the teachings and recommendations they continue to convey to us.
The truths we reveal to you were not given today but are teachings that have been given since the times of Moses and even earlier to the Atlantean and Lemurian civilizations, now disappeared. Unfortunately, very little has reached us because priests and politicians have always hidden such truths from the population with the intention of keeping them in ignorance and fear in order to control and manipulate them.
Remember that truth must always be sought in Christ.
Indeed, Jesus said, "If you abide in my word... you will know the truth."
Our mission is to proclaim the truth by remaining in His word and teachings.
We have grouped these basic concepts into 3 categories.
Scroll horizontally to read them all.
The life we live is an illusion that serves us to learn what is good and what is evil, but the true life begins when we leave our body.
Unlike the animal, plant, and mineral world that uses collective souls.
Your spirit is immortal and over thousands of years it has overcome countless trials by learning and making its own choices. Your soul is also immortal.
The Spirit, after having passed unimaginable degrees of evolution, has developed a Soul.
You are the Spirit who, thanks to the Soul, can carry out his own experiences in matter.
All the harm done will be accounted for in your next life. Balance your Karma, and you will advance in spiritual dimension.
The most important LAW of the universe is that of cause and effect, and karma is one of the expressions of this law. A proverb says, "He who is the cause of his own trouble, should cry if he wants to."
Those who commit or are accomplices to serious crimes will undergo the second death! The second death is the ultimate karmic penalty.
The world we live in is a gym, a school where karma is our evolutionary level that we must tend to zero in order to evolve. Reincarnation becomes inevitable for spirits with negative karma.
The second death is a retreat of the spirit into a collective soul and a detachment from God.
The second death is the Spirit trapped in a collective (animal) consciousness where the Ego is completely annihilated as it is incapable of fully expressing itself in the material world.
The collective animal consciousness is a place of great suffering for the Spirit, deprived of its expressiveness in the material world and forced to undergo the most atrocious suffering.
The collective soul is not connected with the Cosmos and therefore with God and the ascent from a collective consciousness can only take place after a long time and at the will of Christ.
Below, we present the true commandments sent directly to the contactees.
The words of the prophet Moses were completely falsified by the priests of that time, who were at the same time political rulers.
In the beginning, there was an Energy without space. It was the LOGOS, the Supreme INTELLIGENCE.
God left us the free will and therefore also free to make mistakes, free to do our own experiences nella materia e quindi nella sfera del bene e in quella del male. Il Karma, the law of cause and effect it is precisely the way in which the Creator allows us to learn, to evolve.
We are born with a mission decided and signed by us, and we leave the dimension of matter once it is completed. We are given multiple opportunities to learn and understand that love is the only way.
Karma is a record of all the actions we have performed in this life and which is preserved within our soul. When life ends, this recording is evaluated by ourselves (the Spirit) and we will be the ones to evaluate our actions in full awareness of what we are and have been. If the mission we set for ourselves before reincarnating is accomplished, it means that we have learned the various lessons and our Spirit will be able to progress towards other tasks and other dimensions. However, if the sum of our lives on this planet of expiation is totally negative, we will suffer a demotion (second death), restarting our ascent to an individual spirit once again.
It is therefore a universal law. Every action we take has an effect on our soul. If we do good we will be destined to receive good, if we do bad we will suffer evil. In the Bible there are many references to Karma and reincarnation.
Here is the wonderful goodness of God.
If it were as the Catholic Church says, for example, that once we die we will be immediately judged without appeal, without other opportunities, it would say that God is not a good father.
Instead, God, through reincarnation, gives us multiple opportunities for a remedy.
Here's a little story/metaphor that explains in simple terms the concept of reincarnation, as told by the greatest contactee of our times, Eugenio Siragusa:
"A child went to school for the first time, he was very young and his knowledge did not surpass childish experiences.
His teacher, who was God, placed him in the first class and gave him the following lessons to learn: you shall not kill, you shall not harm any living being, you shall not steal.
The child did not kill, but he was cruel and stole; by the end of the day, his beard had grown and was gray.
Then his teacher said: you have learned not to kill, but you have not learned the other lessons, come back tomorrow.
He returned the next day and was still a child. His teacher, who was God, put him in a more advanced class and gave him these lessons to learn: you must not harm any living being, you must not steal, you must not lie.
So the man stopped being cruel, but he continued to steal and lie. At the end of the day, the teacher said: you have learned not to be cruel to your fellow beings, but you have not learned the other lessons; come back tomorrow.
He returned the next day and was still a young man, and his teacher, who was God, placed him in the next class and gave him these lessons to learn: you must not steal, you must not lie, you must not desire what belongs to others.
So the man did not steal, but he lied and desired the possessions of others. At the end of the day, the teacher said: you have learned not to steal, but you have not yet learned the other lessons. Come back, my child, come back tomorrow."
This explains the goodness of the Father. If he doesn't intervene, we believe he know better than us what he is doing.
And if he soon intervenes with his legions of (alien) angels, he will do so because humanity has finished his time of learning and, given the continuous crimes, genocides, wars, construction of weapons of mass destruction and their use... for the most part it will be definitively rejected!
The answers to this question are multiple.
Firstly, our extraterrestrial brothers are part of an intergalactic federation obedient to the Creator and His laws, so they cannot act independently. Their planetary appearance would have caused total chaos in almost all sectors – religious, economic, political, social, and military. They would undoubtedly have been perceived as a threat by various states, and knowing us well, they understand that one of our initial reactions would likely be to attack them (even if futile)!
They must then follow the Creator's plan. They have proceeded step by step, assisting us where possible but without interfering with our free will. It was not an easy situation to handle, but they have always done it with love and dedication.
In the past they have direct contacts with the older ones world powers who are obviously aware of their existence and why they have come but have basically decided to ignore them and consider them a threat primarily to the exercise of their power. In the past, a pact was stipulated between the USA, the USSR and the extraterrestrials, which however was then broken by the two governments with the proliferation and continuous use of nuclear energy for war purposes. In fact, the pact was that the two superpowers committed themselves to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and in exchange they would receive scientific aid in various fields from extraterrestrials. We know that the non-proliferation treaty stipulated in 1968, it was more or less a success but it was never possible to achieve general disarmament since the logic of the Cold War prevailed over the objectives of the treaty itself.
Today, therefore, the plans have changed, given the ignorance and arrogance of the powerful who do not want to change and lose their privileges and their power over peoples, territories, the economy, etc. and also given the imminent “end of times“, the extraterrestrials have decided to contact telepathically and only sporadically with tête-à-tête meetings, only few people (prepared), leaving it to them to disseminate the messages given and above all containing warnings about nuclear power and the catastrophic consequences resulting from its use. They have therefore been forced to shift their attention from the powerful to the people for an awakening from below which must now start from all of us even if it takes longer.
They know very well that unfortunately not everyone can be awakened as most people are too tied to matter and their little "backyard".
It must be our free choice.
As far as we are concerned, it's a stupid question that doesn't even deserve an answer, and honestly, it doesn't surprise us that it was asked by a physicist like E. Fermi who participated in the Manhattan Project contributing to creating the ultimate weapon of destruction... the atomic bomb. This is already a demonstration of complete ignorance or worse, complete disinterest in how life, the universe, and its laws work!
However, we still respond to such a trivial question.
It is known in the universe that the distances among the various celestial bodies they are (deliberately) huge, not to mention the distances between the various galaxies. This is a insurmountable limit for every civilization that has developed over the millennia on infinite other planets similar to ours.
Even a simple radio signal would take about 40 years to arrive from the star closest to us and if we think that the SETI program has only been active for 40 years and that the space of sky on which to point their radio telescopes is enormously limited and assuming that a hypothetical extraterrestrial civilization wants to communicate using the same types of waves as us... draw your own conclusions.
As beings of the 3rd dimension (remember that the first 3 are the mineral, the vegetable and the animal), We don't have the tools yet nor the physical bodies suitable to be able to travel such distances in acceptable times and all those civilizations like ours that are still closely linked to the dualism of matter (good and evil) have the same limitation.
Consequently, the only civilizations that can make such interstellar and intergalactic travel are those that belong to larger dimensions to ours and whose scientific evolution is millennia ahead of ours.
Being us tied to the dual cycle of good and evil, life and death and therefore to reincarnation, in order to progress we should have learned to live for good and in thelove of all creation. Without this evolutionary leap the change in dimension is not possible.
The universe is densely populated, even in our own solar system. The problem is therefore only ours as we are not yet able to see it.
Here the answer to the famous paradox comes by itself!
E. Fermi, with that ridiculous exclamation has only demonstrated his great ignorance! In fact, science should not be for everyone because if handled by "children" (evolutionarily speaking) it can only do enormous damage.
Those who have been visiting us for millennia are beings of higher dimensions and are highly more aware than us of the economy of the entire universe and therefore obey the will of the Creator and his evolutionary plan. They can not simply descend and heavily impact what the Creator has established for the various humanities.
They can only try to instill a awakening of consciences and a greater awareness to allow us to evolve and rise from our current and catastrophic evolutionary position.
Here is where they all are!
"Bad" alien species like ours are bound to remain on their own planet and light-years away from others due to a universal evolutionary law that prevents such ignorant species from causing damage that would reverberate throughout the entire universe and, consequently, affect that Macrocosmic Being that is pure love and the Architect of everything.
There are various dimensional plans and each plane vibrates individually frequency different.
The first 3 dimensional planes are closely linked to matter and are that mineral, that vegetable and that animal and both belong to a collective spirit by species of belonging.
This means that a certain number of animals per species (for example of poodles) shares the same spirit.
Practically, one spirit has multiple bodies, but always of the same species or closely related species, and is therefore bound, lacking free will, by the laws governing that species, and thus exempt from accumulating karma (we'll explain further in an article). When an animal spirit reaches a certain vibrational frequency attained through experimentation within the law, before the actual dimensional leap, it "acquires," thanks to contact with a being of higher frequency (man in this case), individualization with loving and serving, and is therefore ready for free will that will release it from the law of species and allow it to experience between good and evil within the law of cause and effect or karma.
Therefore, man is still in the frequency range of the animal kingdom, ranging from 20,000 to about 40,000 vibrations per minute/second, and still in the third dimension even in its final phase where man must demonstrate that he has learned the right path, namely Love for oneself, others, and the entire creation.
It must also be said that the evolutionary/frequency degree of our humanity it is not homogeneous e quindi pochi purtroppo si accingeranno a fare il salto evolutivo alla quarta dimensione forzatamente programmato per questi tempi.
Our sun is indeed slowly changing frequencies that it emits to the entire solar system for the expected transition to a higher dimension, and unfortunately, few will be able to withstand such a frequency variation with significant repercussions on the existential plane of the planet itself.
We are indeed in what the Bible calls the end of times, the end of a cycle of 700 million years granted to the planet to evolve, so in the coming years, we will witness significant changes. Those who are ready for this frequency change will be protagonists in the new world (kingdom of God), while others unfortunately will undergo an inevitable decimation with the consequent de-evolution into collective animal soul (second death or metempsychosis)!